
Title: Destroyed
Series: Ionia Chronicles #6
Release Date: June 15, 2019
Pages: 75

Will spy-droid Zee find her purpose or exact revenge?

The human vs. AI war is raging, and Zee is captured and forced to fight against her own kind. She finds small ways to help her fellow freedom fighters until she’s exposed and faces execution.
Then, with the help of a mysterious new ally, she escapes.

Zee struggles to rebuild her life, find her mom and locate the boy she once protected. But new information surfaces that the general who ordered her destruction is within striking distance.
Can Zee find a way to rebuild everything she’s lost, or will she give in to the desire for revenge?

Fans of Alita Battle Angel and Cinder will love this action-packed, romantic adventure. Grab the last installment of the Ionia Chronicles and start reading now.


Early reviews are in:

***** "This is my favorite of the three Zee short stories in the Ionia-verse,"

***** Engrossing sci-fi tale.

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